Keeping in touch
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Our parent friendly App is the ideal way to communicate. You can see what your child has done all day and we will give you detailed updates on activities, sleep, nappies, observations, development and much more. You can also add observations and send us messages.
What does Plantos mean?
Plantos means Kids in Welsh. However, we welcome all ‟Plantos” from all cultures and backgrounds to our Plantos!
How To Support Your Child’s Transition
From Home To Plantos
It can be safely said that the majority of parents worry about the first time their child goes to a nursery. So many questions and thoughts run through your mind: Will they settle in easily? Don’t worry too much.
Here are some techniques you can use to help ease the transition from home to nursery:
- Talk positively about Plantos to your child
- Look at the brochure or the website
- Talk about things your child might do at Plantos and how exciting that will be
- Perhaps you can make several journeys to the nursery, pointing out the route and the building and any landmarks along the way so that your child becomes familiar
- You could ask your older child to help you find Plantos together, giving them ownership and a sense of purpose.